
Life-long learning for every child and parent to succeed at school, at work, and at home.

Our Classes

  1. English as a Second Language

    English classes to help people of any age gain more independence, confidence, and opportunities.

  2. Tutoring

    One-on-one tutoring 4x/wk to help kids with anything and everything, from tutoring specific subjects to teaching them basic reading skills.

  3. Nutritional Cooking

    Teaching kids the importance of healthy meals and how to grow, cook with, and enjoy veggies.

  4. Computers

    Computers to help kids learn important tech skills and get access to the tools they need to complete their school work.

  1. Bible Studies

    Studying God's Word together in small groups of children, teens, men, and ladies.

  2. Financial Literacy

    Essential financial skills for every age, from saving your allowance to managing your entire household.

  3. Reading

    Twice-weekly reading sessions to improve reading comprehension and develop a lifelong love for reading and learning.

  4. GED Classes

    Weekly GED classes to open educational and employment for adults without high school diplomas.

Here to help, even when class is dismissed.

Need some support outside of our classes? We strive to help in whatever ways we can throughout the week.

We help our youth organize their lives for the future, including helping them obtain Social Security cards and birth certificates. And we can help parents with things like finding housing, securing transportation to important appointments, and more.

At the end of the day, we're neighbors willing to share whatever time and resources we're able to give in order to love our neighbors.


Healthy, home-cooked meals served at each event.

In Matthew 25:35, Jesus says “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat."

Nery’s Promise feeds dozens of community members throughout each week. We want to give kids warm, healthy (and tasty!) meals, and take some stress off parents who need a lift.

Whenever there's a class or event happening at Nery's Promise, you'll find nutritious meals being served with love to whoever shows up.

We couldn't do this without you.

Yes, you!

All these activities and more are made possible because of the love and dedication from our volunteers. We are family, determined to make a big difference in our small community.

Nery’s Promise is also blessed by a team of board members who help ensure our ministry’s continued strength and success.