Bringing love and hope to the Richmond community.
Nery Salazar’s Promise to God was to provide a safe, free environment for children and families to receive the good news of Jesus Christ while learning tools and skills to help them advance in their lives.
With the love of Jesus, we joyfully serve the children of our community by creating a safe and nurturing environment for them to learn and grow.

Our Vision: To meet the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of each child in our community with God's love and provision.
Our Principles
God and family are fundamental to a child’s health and well-being.
Personal connection and love are the most effective ways to encourage healthy development.
Children are the future of our community and must be invested in.
Every child deserves a pathway to knowing God in a real-life way.

It all started with Nery's personal promise to God.
Nery’s journey started when she was a young teenager from Honduras. Seeking a better life, she started a journey to the United States with a group of people. After a few days, she was separated from her group. Nery was left alone: scared, hungry, and lost in the desert.
Over the next few weeks, she scavenged for food, eating worms and drinking cactus juice to survive. When night came, she would hide a cry silently to God: “Jesus, please get me through this alive, and I promise to never let a child go hungry.”
God heard her cries and kept His promise, and Nery has kept hers.

When Nery arrived in the U.S., she supported herself with babysitting and cleaning jobs and worked hard to learn English. She connected with Christian families and worked hard to make a better life for herself. She met her husband and had two children.
After babysitting and cleaning, Nery started her own housekeeping business in order to provide jobs for other women. In 2009, she started a small bible study with about 5-10 children in her community, under a tent in her yard.
With the money from her housekeeping business, she helped feed these children and their families. God kept sending more and more children hungry for God’s word, healthy meals, and a place to belong.
Since then, Nery’s Promise has grown into a team of over a dozen volunteers who serve hundreds of local kids each year. With God’s provision, we strive to meet the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of each and every child in our community.
What We Do
Bible Studies
In a group setting, children, men, and women learn about who Jesus is and how His love changes everything.
Kids receive help with reading, grammar, math, social studies, and any other subjects they are learning.
Life Skills Classes
Children and parents learn skills like nutritional cooking, computer skills, English as a Second Language (ESL), and financial literacy."
Holiday Events
Kids can participate in plays and the community is invited to exciting events for Christmas, Easter, Back to School, Thanksgiving and more.
We couldn't do this without you.
Yes, you!
All these activities and more are made possible because of the love and dedication from our volunteers. We are family, determined to make a big difference in our small community.
Nery’s Promise is also blessed by a team of board members who help ensure our ministry’s continued strength and success.