Nery's Promise

Serving and Teaching God’s Word Through Hands-on Ministry in Love

Nery's Promise events
BIG Events
Life Prep
Kidz Garden
Bible Study

Making a Difference Since 2012

We Emphasize Education and the Importance of Graduating.

We joyfully serve families in the community regardless of their religion, age, race, ethnicity or socio-economic status. Our 17 fully committed volunteer workers are currently serving over 480 children.

Our dedication and involvement with our local community are hands-on. We believe that personal connection and love are the most effective ways to bring about healthy development in these precious kids. 

We arrange transportation for those who are otherwise unable to attend Primary Care appointments. We provide breakfast and a bus ride to church every Sunday.

We help our youth organize their lives for the future, including helping them obtain Social Security cards and birth certificates.  Our goal is to hone them into productive adults.

"As the twig is bent, so grows the tree."

Alexander Pope

Our first-class, loving volunteers team up to provide a clean and wholesome environment for our kids. And we keep them busy, offering quality activities every day of the week!